emulation vs appreciation is a good way of looking at it. one of the most satisfying experiences in reading literature is finding myself invested in the cares and struggles of a flawed character. i may admire, envy, or even live vicariously through a seemingly perfect character. but imperfection is what makes characters human to me. still being able to find some compassion for their suffering is what makes me appreciate less-than-exemplary characters. at that point, liking or approving is irrelevant.

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Great piece! I want to say I "appreciate" it, but in the first, not the second, sense!

The preponderance of "emulatable" characters, at the expense of "appreciatable" ones, is something I find to be quite obnoxious in my own religion's works of literature and film. I think you've delineated a very important distinction that needs to be kept in mind more often. Thanks for writing!

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